*Everyday Chatter

"The city needs a life of the mind." Cash Mob at St. Mark's Bookshop, Saturday at 3pm. (Don't make me look like an idiot--please show up!) [NYDN]

...because "It is beloved by cultural icons, borough presidents and bookworms far and wide." [NYO]

A heartbreaking film on the demise of Bleecker Bob's (and the Village). [CNY]

A lovely little film on the Mosaic Man--complete with vintage shots of Jim. [Etsy]

A look inside Westbeth, after an artist's death. [CR]

The Bowery's restaurant supply stores are vanishing fast. [NYO]

Has Mars Bar really been closed for a whole year already? [EVG]

The wreckage of Floyd Bennett Field. [Kensinger]

That Timeshare Backyard thing is back again. [TLD]

Red Hook IKEA littered with the sticky condoms of horny teenagers. [NYO]


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