6th Ave. Car Wash

According to a commenter here, the 6th Avenue Car Wash has been closed and boarded up.

Located at 6th and Broome for at least 30 years, the car wash was sold recently, much to the dismay of its employees who walked out over the sale. They made the case that the sale was made as retaliation against their unionizing. They have since been given new jobs at other car washes.

So what's to become of this prime Soho space? Permits on file reveal that it's in the hands of developer PMG, a company "dedicated to its core business strategy: aggressively acquiring land and properties and successfully transforming them to high-end luxury properties."

This spot is zoned for light manufacturing. But, pending zoning approval, PMG has an application on file with the Department of Buildings for a new residential high-rise building here --18 stories high, 27 units. (We don't know what it will look like, but here's what they just developed in Gowanus.)

If you're feeling nostalgic for the 6th Ave. car wash, enjoy this film from a guy with "nothing bettah to do" in his SUV:


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