Lascoff's Insides

When the great Lascoff Pharmacy closed last July, and was gutted, many of us worried what would become of its gorgeous antique fixtures.

Now, it turns out, they're selling on ebay.

An Anonymous commenter sent us to the listings, where you can find three hanging ceiling lanterns for $9,000, a collection of leaded stained-glass globes for $26,500, a set of 15 Gothic window panels for $14,000 ("These are really knockout and can be repurposed very easily as decorative elements in any store or restaurant")...

...two sections of cabinetry for $14,500, an additional 75 feet of wooden fixtures for $80,000, plus the copper canopy, with interior lighting intact, for $39,000.

As seller newyorkphotographs writes on the ebay store page: "These are from one of the most prominent 19th century pharmacies in New York City whose proprietor is known as 'the father of modern pharmacy'... Salvatore Dali and many other celebrities patronized his pharmacy over the years to purchase leeches, powder compounds and custom topical ointment."

Now you can reassemble your own Lascoff's for a total of $183,000. Maybe in your living room, complete with jars of leeches?


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