Press, Reviews, & Awards


Vox, 1/24/2021 

Conde Nast Traveler, 8/24/20
VRT, Belgian News, 8/5/20 

WFMU Radio, 8/26/19
Vox, 11/21/18
"Vanishing City" discussion, Relevant Tones, 9/20/18
The Takeaway, WNYC, 9/12/18
Marketplace, 8/30/18
New York Said podcast, 7/28/18
E.V. Grieve podcast, 7/27/18
Harper's Magazine podcast on The Death of New York, 6/28/18
Hyperallergic, 5/9/18
Fox5 News with Ernie Anastos, 1/25/18
Metrofocus, WNET PBS TV, 1/3/18
WNET PBS Television, 11/16/17
Terrific City podcast, 10/26/17
NY1 News, 9/8/17
New York Times, 8/11/17
WNYC News: 8/10/17
Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC, 8/3/17
Salon Talks, 8/1/17
Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC, 7/27/17
The Village Voice, 7/18/2017
Ways of Hearing podcast, summer 2017
The New Yorker, 6/26/17

Paper Magazine, 10/20/16
New York Business Journal, 9/28/15
VICE, 8/15/15
Enormous Eye, 6/6/15
New York Magazine, 5/1/15
WNYC: Brian Lehrer Show, 3/26/15
The Guardian, 4/8/15
New York Times, Metro, 4/3/15
Huck, 4/2/15
Salon, 3/15/15
BBC World Service Radio, 11/25/14
New York Post, 11/16/14
The Indypendent, 8/13/14
The Daily Beast, 8/5/14
The Australian, 4/7/14 
Financial Times Magazine, 11/15/13
Paper Magazine, 8/19/12
New York Observer, 7/13/12
No Such Thing As Was, 1/6/12
Next American City, Fall 2009
Broke-Ass Stuart, 7/14/09
Patell & Waterman, 1/30/09
The Villager, 4/17/08
The New York Times, City Section, 10/28/07


"We should all buy Jeremiah Moss’s book, Vanishing New York." --Sarah Jessica Parker, Time Out

“Essential reading for fans of Jane Jacobs, Joseph Mitchell, Patti Smith, Luc Sante, and cheap pierogi.” –Vanity Fair

"Moss, a cantankerous defender of the city he loves, chronicles its disconcerting metamorphosis from cosmopolitan melting pot to bland corporate lounge with passion and vigor; New York is lucky to have him on its side." –

“a full-throated lament for the city’s bygone charms.” –Wall Street Journal

“Moss won me over almost immediately and has written a cri de cœur that is essential reading for anyone who loves this city.” –Michael J. Agovino, The Village Voice

“a remarkable atlas charting where New York has gone, and why.” –The New Republic

“This is a very good, angrily passionate, and ultimately saddening book…. a brilliantly written and well-informed account.” –Booklist, starred review

“Vanishing New York is an urban-activist polemic in the tradition of Jane Jacobs’s Death and Life of Great American Cities: Every page is charged with Moss’s deep love of New York. It is both a vital and unequivocally depressing read.” –Molly Fitzpatrick, Village Voice

"a vigorous, righteously indignant book that would do Jane Jacobs proud." --Kirkus

“Moss tells an intriguing story that is an indictment of local leaders who ushered in a sterilized iteration of Gotham through public policies favoring the wealthy… a sad elegy to a city that is no longer recognizable.” --Associated Press

“Vanishing New York is an entertainment as much as it is a polemic. Angry--sure. Funny--you bet. And oh so astute.” –Shelf Awareness

“an impassioned work of advocacy on behalf of a city that’s slipping away…a brawny book…a full-throated argument for New York City as a particular kind of place, and for a certain kind of life lived within it.” –Guernica

“a compelling and often necessary read…. One of the great accomplishments of this nearly 500-page polemic, is that even as I read through in a state of outrage and sadness, I was also reassured: I am not crazy. The city really has vanished…” – Daily Beast

“This polemic is likely to stir a lot of emotions.”—Publishers Weekly

“A relevant lamentation of New York’s rebellious, nonconformist past and its path toward an inexpressive mélange of glass and steel big box stores and chain restaurants.”
--New York Journal of Books


Testimony for SBJSA, City Council, City Hall, 10/22/18
New York Daily News, Editorial 6/24/18: How to Bring Back Mom and Pop
New York Daily News, Editorial 9/17/17: On Bill de Blasio and Gentrification
New York Daily News, Editorial 4/10/16: On Weird Times Square
New York Daily News, Editorial 3/9/15: On #SaveNYC
New York Daily News, Editorial 10/29/14: On NYC Ambassador Taylor Swift
New York Daily News, Editorial 8/16/14: On Chains in the City
New York Daily News, Editorial 4/27/14: On Carriage Horses
The New York Times, Room for Debate 4/13/13: On Gentrification
New York Observer, Advice for Mayor Bill, 11/13/13
The New York Times, Opinion 8/21/12: On the High Line
Playboy Magazine, Reader Response 5/19/2010: On the vanishing city
The New York Times, Opinion 4/4/10: On Edward Hopper's Nighthawks
New York Daily News, Editorial 2/10/09: On the City's Downturn


The Atlantic, A Dispatch From the Anti-Amazon Victory Party, 2/15/19
New York Review of Books' Daily: The Triangle Shirtwaist Memorialist, 8/31/18
Village Voice, "The TRGT Fiasco Was No Mistake," 7/31/2018
New York Review of Books' Daily: "Death and Life of a Great American Building," 3/7/2018
New York Times, The End of Moe's Meat Market, 10/10/2017
Metro NY, weekly column
The Daily News, 8/3/14
The New Yorker, Culture Desk 10/24/13: The Last Picture Shop
The New Yorker, Culture Desk 5/23/13: Edward Hopper's Details
Salon, 9/19/12, New York's Dying Signs
Paris Review, The Daily 8/3/12, Sisters of the Night
Paris Review, The Daily 1/12/12, A Day in Culture
Huffington Post, multiple dates


Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), 8/11/19
Publico (Lisbon), 3/11/18
La Vanguardia (Barcelona), 11/12/17
L'Express (France), 10/17/17
Le Monde (France), 4/26/2016
Die Presse (Vienna), 5/24/15
Norwegian Business Daily, 1/9/14
Frankfurter Rundschau, 4/29/13
24 Heures (Switzerland), 4/1/13 
Xplor NY (Italy), 2/27/12
La Tercera (Chile), 10/7/10
Le Temps (Switzerland), 10/21/09


Named to Curbed's list of "101 Things to Love About New York City," 2018
Historic Districts Council: Grassroots Preservation Award, 2016
Guides Association of New York: Outstanding Achievement in Support of New York City Preservation Award & Outstanding New York City Website Award 2016
Village Voice: Best of New York 2014
Friends of the Upper East Side: Preserving Classic New York Award 2014
Village Voice, Web Awards 2012: "Blogger We Love"
Village Voice, Web Awards 2010: "Best Personal Blog"
Village Voice: Gotham's Best Blogs 2010


Architectural Digest, 5/10/19
Rolling Stone, 11/6/18
Surface, 2/2/17
New York Times, 11/23/16
New York Times, 5/25/15
Newsweek, 9/1/14
New York Times, 11/22/13
Time Out New York, 4/9/13, NYC Secrets 
This Recording, 10/3/11
Village Voice, 1/28/2010: "I Blog NY: Your Guide to Gotham's Best"
New York Daily News, 11/8/10
The Times of London, Has New York Lost Its Edge? 11/23/09 
New York Magazine, City of Glass, 9/9/08


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