*Everyday Chatter

God's Love We Deliver is bringing a 14-story luxury condo to Soho, and it will be named after fashion mogul Michael Kors. The people are not happy. [Gawker]

On the New Bowery:

Coney Island Applebee's donates money and the use of their "private terrace" to the Mermaid Parade--how kind of them to "support" the culture they're helping to kill. [BW]

There's going to be a documentary about Streit's Matzo factory--and you can help. [KS]

Max Fish will be gone from the LES by July's end. [TLD]

On the demise of Joe's Dairy: “What we see happening in the neighborhood is hypergentrification."  [Villager]

Meet Eak the Geek. [EVG]

Say hello to Pretty, the Coney Island cat. [ATZ]

The illegal, unethical, immoral eviction of Willets Point continues. [CBS]

This weekend, tour Newtown Creek and have lunch at the Goodfellas diner. [OS]

Praising dairy restaurants at the B&H. [Tablet]

Karen Lillis on her New York novel. [BAB]

The Penalty--New York City, 1920, and the legless kingpin of the Lower East Side--at Dixon Place. [DP]

June 23: Check out the Punk & Underground Record Fair at Beauty Bar on E. 14th:


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