*Everyday Chatter

July 18: Your last chance to tell NYU where to stick it. Say NO to their 2031 plan! [FASP]

July 24: See "El Barrio Tours: Gentrification in East Harlem" and be a part of the neighborhood discussion. [EBT]

July 28, August 3 and 4: Celebrate punk rock and the riots in Tompkins Square Park. [FB]

Performance art and neoburlesque return to the LES with COW. [EVG]

Orchard Street is still Orchard Street--here and there. [HNY]

Landmarks approves transformation of Coney Island Child's into a theater--apparently to be patronized by dimwitted-looking people. [Brownstoner]

Unfinished memoir published posthumously from Bob Guskind, blogger of Gowanus Lounge. [UV]

Take a walk on 18th Avenue. [OMFS]

That vanishing of gas stations around the Village and Chelsea has been halted, slightly, by the return of a gas station--that lost Lukoil on 8th Avenue and Horatio is now a Mobil. And they look very happy to be here:

photo: Thomas Rinaldi


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