Stile's Market


This morning, reader Dave Mack sent in the following photo and bad news. Stile's Market in Hell's Kitchen is closing on December 31. They hope to open another location in the neighborhood.

photo: Dave Mack

We expected this to happen, but were reassured by Stiles that it would not happen, about a year ago when their neighbor, the Big Apple Meat Market, was forced out of the location to make room for a giant, glassy, luxury tower.

Back then, Stiles put up signs saying, "We are not closing!!! We are not going anywhere! Stile's Farmer Market is here to stay!!!"

this photo: Andrea Kleiman, January 2013

Today, DNA Info contacted the owner, Steve Stile, and reported: "the longtime grocer was forced out after the building was sold. 'My family's so sick you cannot imagine,' he said. 'We tried everything in our power to stay there... We're heartbroken, very heartbroken.'"

They've been here since 1987.

photos from January 2013

Across the avenue, the Elk Hotel is also a goner. And I guess this also means goodbye to the neighboring 99-Cent Fresh Pizza joint. And so another old New York block changes character--by force.

Update: Hell's Kitsch says, "The neighboring pizza place (my favorite $1 slice in the area at the moment) will also be moving, and they’ve already got a location: 360 W 42nd halfway between 8th & 9th."

Big Apple Meat Market
99-Cent Pizza
Inside the Elk


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