Sally's Show

We first met artist and activist Sally Young back in 2007, when she was selling t-shirts about the destruction of the East Village. Later, she helped lead the fight to save 35 Cooper Square--demolished now, its land awaiting a college dormitory.

Currently, Sally has a show of paintings up at the Ottendorfer Library in the East Village.

Visit her website to see her work. She writes:

"My work is about the landscape of cities and how I see this landscape. Lower Manhattan, where I've lived and experienced its ever changing landscape for the last 32 years, is the subject of my current series of paintings. They are topographical maps with buildings, water-towers, tipping their perspective from looking up, or down, as if onto rooftops, fire-escape ladders rising to the top or descending below ground to areas that are below sea level. Exposed stairwells are reminiscent of partially demolished buildings in the LES during the 1980's that exposed the skeleton of the building via stairwell and rooms.

I am a historian of buildings on the Lower-East-Side and the people who lived in them, particularly those of the Bowery. This may not be evident in my paintings which are very ephemeral, but play a large part in the unseen knowledge of the area that I draw my images from. My project is my vision of my neighborhood, as I paint it, as I see it via real images, dreams, memories, and transitions into the future."


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