
Back in January, DNA reported that Hudson Street's Cowgirl, nee Cowgirl Hall of Fame, "saw its rent increase to nearly $40,000 per month, including real estate taxes, at the same time as business slowed." The manager said there were no plans to close: "Cowgirl is gearing up to celebrate its 25th anniversary this year and isn't hanging up its spurs anytime soon."

More recently, I got the following note from a regular reader:

"There is VERY quiet talk of a possible Cowgirl Hall of Fame closing! I don't know how true the rumor is--but it did come from an informed reliable source! I'm unsure of any date. But I fear sooner than later. I know they have an anniversary coming up. I have a feeling they are going to celebrate and then try to sneak away or announce it and go shortly there after? I'm scared."

So, more rumor? As with all of these uncertain situations, the best plan of action is to go before it's gone. You never know when it will be too late for a last meal.

*Update: Manager Kevin says: "Absolutely untrue. This little nasty tidbit was started due to erroneous information gossiped around the neighborhood. It was a rough winter season, but we are going strong!"


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