Chumley's Door

The collapsed and (almost) resurrected Chumley's just got a piece of its old self back. The front door was re-installed just yesterday.


The door looks to be the original antique, albeit with a new green paint job.

photo: Paul Rush NYC walks

A peek inside the building revealed that the work is coming along slowly. The fireplace is in place, but otherwise it still looks like a hollow cinderblock, not yet the warm and cluttered old joint that collapsed in 2007.

The guy supervising the work didn't know when it would reopen. These days, the new neighbors are trying to stop Chumley's from coming back, saying they don't want the noise from this historic literary landmark.

Maybe the new Chumley's can "86" all the loudmouths and keep the place as peaceful as it used to be:

P.S. The back door has also been re-installed--you can see it through the wide-open windows of the opulent, high-security townhouse next door.


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