Truemart Discount Fabrics

Chelsea's Truemart Discount Fabrics is for rent.

They've been on the corner of 7th Avenue and 25th Street for a long time. Maybe 40 years. Luckily, they're not closing--only moving off the corner and into the block. So that's a good thing.

Still, I'll miss seeing their hand-painted sign on that corner. And I like the old feeling inside the cluttered shop.

Now and then, I'll go inside to be among the bolts and the kids from FIT buying fabric for their designs.

The shop felt like a survivor, an anomaly in a neighborhood rapidly homogenizing.

Winick has the listing. In the rendering, they've slapped their own name over the antique sign. The neighboring businesses they crow about include: "Whole Foods Market, Buy Buy Baby, Papyrus, Astoria Bank, FIT, Caffe Bene, Starbucks, TD Bank, Argo Tea, GNC, Chase, Jamba Juice, Chipotle, and many more."

I bet none of them have Frank Sinatra's mugshot taped to the wall. 


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