Mitchell's Neon

A reader writes in to let us know that Mitchell's Wines & Liquors on West 86th has lost its antique neon sign--or is in the process of losing it.

"Losing" is not the right word. The owners have decided to remove it and replace it with something new. Perhaps a lovely sheet of plastic?

It's a gorgeous neon sign, dating back to the 1940s.

Sounds like they almost "lost" it a few years ago, too. But it remained.

Our tipster, Mr. E., says, "If only owners could see the value in the history of these signs as icons and how the distinctive designs set them apart from the competition, perhaps we could begin the trend towards preserving them."

He and some friends are "working on salvaging what we can, but its home on that store seems finito."

UPDATE: Reader Janice sends in a photo of the damage, as of today:


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