The Silk Clock Returns

A reader writes in to let us know that the Schwarzenbach Silk Clock has been returned to 470 Park Avenue South.

New location--unfortunately shared with a Capital One sign

In the spring of 2014 we heard the clock had been removed during an upscale renovation of the building, and that it might never be returned to the exterior where it has been enjoyed by the public since 1926.

When we checked in this past spring, the clock had still not returned. Alfred Schwarzenbach's granddaughter wrote in, expressing her dismay. Finally, we heard from TIAA-CREF, who runs the building, that the clock would be restored and returned.

Our tipster adds: "The new clock location is at the northeast corner of the building (or the southwest corner of Park and 32nd). I heard it took 8 hours to reinstall--and the clock mechanism isn't working yet."

So the question remains: Will the clock still function? Save America's Clocks called it "One of three mechanical clocks in Manhattan." Will it still be mechanical and run "the old-fashioned way with a weight-driven pendulum movement"?

Time will tell.


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