Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop

The great Eisenberg's has been sold.

We've been hearing whispers about this for the past two years. Today the sale was announced on Eisenberg's Facebook page. They say they've "passed the torch" and hope "things will continue as they were."

When I called for information and asked for long-time owner Josh Konecky, I was told by Jodie the manager that he is "no longer connected with Eisenberg's."

The employees just got the news on Monday night. "It's so fresh for us," Jodie said, "I know nothing except they told me that Eisenberg's will be running just as is."

The new owner is named Warren, but that's all the information available right now. Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray that Warren is a true fan of Eisenberg's and will in fact keep the tradition going, just as it is, like Josh did when he first bought the place, saving it from certain destruction and running it for the past several years with heart and soul.

When I spoke to Josh for this blog in 2007, I asked him, “Most people nowadays when they buy a place, they change it. Why did you keep this place the same?”

He looked at me like I had just asked the most ridiculous question in the world, then he shrugged and said, “Why change it? When I bought the place, people kept saying, you’re not gonna change it, are you? I told them, I’m just gonna clean it up a bit. And they’d say, Don’t clean it up too much!”

Eisenberg's opened in 1929. It's beautiful. It's perfect. There is nothing else like it. Warren, whoever you are, don't fuck it up.


Eisenberg's Not Vanishing
Eisenberg's U-Bet


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