Two Boots Seized
Two Boots Pizza on Greenwich Avenue in the Village has been seized "for nonpayment of taxes and is now in the possession of the State of New York."

A note from Two Boots in the window says the closure is only temporary and they will reopen shortly. Let's hope so.

While we're in front of this lovely antique facade, and while we've been diving into the Municipal Archives tax photos from the 1940s...'s what Two Boots looked like when it was the Hanscom Bake Shop.

A note from Two Boots in the window says the closure is only temporary and they will reopen shortly. Let's hope so.

While we're in front of this lovely antique facade, and while we've been diving into the Municipal Archives tax photos from the 1940s...'s what Two Boots looked like when it was the Hanscom Bake Shop.

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