Three Lives Now Delivers

During this coronavirus crisis, it is vitally important that we all support our local mom-and-pop businesses. Three Lives & Co. bookstore is a great source for buying books--which you'll want during quarantine--and they're making it easy to shop by offering free delivery in the Village.

They write:

Over the past week, we have received numerous queries about our plans for the shop in the context of COVID-19. Our main concern is, of course, the wellbeing of our staff and customers, and our first priority is ensuring that the shop is a clean and safe place for all. Though we will take cues from health and science experts as the situation changes, we are currently maintaining our regular hours (10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday, and 12 noon-7 p.m. on Sunday).

We acknowledge that some of you may be suspending your regular routines and venturing out less often. With that in mind, we are now offering free hand-delivery of books within the West Village—and we can, as always, ship via UPS to anywhere else in the country. Please call (212.741.2069) or send us an email ( if you’d like to order books remotely. It is an uncertain time to be living in New York, but that does not mean we need to forgo great books.

If you can stop by in the coming weeks, we would love to see you. If you cannot, we still want to know how you are doing, what you are reading, and which books you are looking forward to picking up—there are so many to be excited about, including recent titles from Hilary Mantel, James McBride, Maira Kalman, Colum McCann, Lily King, and Melissa Clark. Our shelves are full, so let’s talk books.

Three Lives & Company
154 W 10 Street
NY NY 10014


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