*Everyday Chatter
A grisly corpse in the East Village ...blood on the concrete at St. Mark's Church...a natural death or foul play by feline? Go see Lost Bohemia , the story of Carnegie Hall's studio tenants and their failed fight to stay at home--next week at the New York Documentary Film Fest . What to tip a cabbie when you puke in his car. [ Gawker ] Into the former Old Homestead Inn space comes the Coal Yard --another good bar from the fine folks who brought back The International , dedicated to preserving local life. [ EVG ] Hexing redevelopment at SPURA Site 4. [ BB ] Meet the Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club. [ 13 ] How a NYC education can cost you over a million dollars--if you're one of those lunatic parents who believes the right pre-school is the golden road to Harvard. [ HP ] The city's candy stores. [ NYT ] Bedbugs at the UN--poor people setting fire to their mattresses. [ NYP ]